Monthly Archives: April 2013

  • Respite Care, Marital Quality, and Stress in Parents of Children with ASD . . .

    A new study in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders reported in Disability Scoop demonstrates a direct link between respite services, parental stress, and marital quality. The number of respite hours used was positive correlated to improved marital quality for both husbands and wives. To read the article at Disability Scoop, follow the link: Continue Reading

  • Jeff to Participate In ABA Panel Presentation!!!

    Jeff Hayden, along with ABA colleagues from other agencies, will participate in an ABA Panel Presentation sponsored by the Central Coast Autism Spectrum Center in San Luis Obispo. As stated by Juli Miller, CEO of CCASC, “This workshop is designed for individuals on the spectrum, families and professionals. Presenters will share information about their organization Continue Reading

  • Autism Walk (RUN!) in Ventura!!!

    The Autism Society of Ventura County is having their event THIS SATURDAY!!! There will be loads to do, include walks/runs of various lengths, as well as resources! It’s at CSUCI! For more information, go to ASVC’s event page at: GO!!!

  • Incarcerating the Mentally Ill . . .

    The percentage those incarcerated in California with mental illness has increased in the past couple of years. This has occurred because we have been mandated by the federal government to reduce the inmate population to meet constitutional standards, and while we have reduced the overall population the number of incarcerated mentally ill has remained constant. Continue Reading

  • Walk for Autism in SLO!!!

    The Central Coast Autism Spectrum Center’s 5th Annual Walk and Awareness Fair is April 28th in San Luis Obispo. This has been an amazing event in the past, and will undoubtedly be again this year. Visit CCASC’s website for details!!!