Category Archives: Positive Behavior Support

  • Workshop on Challenging Behavior and Brain Injury.

    On Tuesday, September 11 at 6:00 p.m. Jeff Hayden will provide a workshop on challenging behavior and brain injury. Jeff will discuss how brain injury affects behavior and explore the assumptions many of us have that influence how we respond to the behaviors of others and how these assumptions often get in the way of Continue Reading

  • Workshop on Challenging Behavior and Brain Injury

    On Tuesday, September 11 at 6:00 p.m. Jeff Hayden will provide a workshop on challenging behavior and brain injury. Jeff will discuss how brain injury affects behavior and explore the assumptions many of us have that influence how we respond to the behaviors of others and how these assumptions often get in the way of Continue Reading

  • LRE (Least Restrictive Environment) is not just the classroom anymore . . !

    “Informal guidance” from the U.S. Department of Education, as reported in Disability Scoop, says placing students in LREs not only applies to classrooms but should also guide IEP teams when considering settings for transition planning. In a letter from Melody Musgrove, director of the Office of Special Education Programs at the Department of Education, she Continue Reading

  • Who is good at this game?

    A new study published in the journal Psychological Science finds that children’s performances on tasks can be impacted by simply showing them information about a social group (e.g., boys) they identify with. This finding has important implications for what we expose our children to and how we support them in their development and in achieving Continue Reading


    Put on by the wonderful group from the Central Coast Autism Spectrum Center, this camp will have two sessions, 7/30-8/3 and 8/6-8/10. The camp is staffed by individuals skilled to support campers with unique needs. There will be a wide variety of activities for campers to have fun with, including SURFING!!! To find out more Continue Reading

  • Family Support and Family Caregiving across Disabilities . . .

    Professors George H.S. Singer (U.C. Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz Graduate School of Education), David Biegel (Case Western Reserve University) and Patricia Conway (Maryville State University), have co-edited Family Support and Family Caregiving across Disabilities (Routledge, 2011). This book is among the first to look at the unique needs as well as common experiences of families who Continue Reading

  • Snoring Tots May Develop Behavioral Issues Later.

    Snoring Tots May Develop Behavioral Issues Later.  Research from the journal Pediatrics, reported in Medline finds that infants and toddlers who snore or have other breathing difficulties during sleep are more likely to have behavioral challenges by age 7. While disordered sleep impacts fatigue and irriatability, others suggest that disordered sleep may have more serious Continue Reading

  • Lasting cognitive sypmptoms for children suffering concussion

    Research published online in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine indicates children who experience concussive incidents may experience cognitive symptoms up to a year after the event. Symptoms were greater for those children who lost consciousness or who had abnormal neuroimaging results. These children demonstrated reliable decreases in health-related quality of life as well Continue Reading

  • 3rd Annual Brain Injury Conference

    Title: 3rd Annual Brain Injury Conference. Location: Ventura County Office of Education, 5100 Adolfo Road, Camarillo CA. Registration Form: Click here. Description: At 2:30 Dr. and Mr. Hayden will be providing information and strategies to assist those who care for and support individuals challenged with brain injury. Time: 9:00-4;00 Date: 2012-03-24

  • Santa Clara Valley Brain Injury Conference

    Title: Santa Clara Valley Brain Injury Conference Location: San Jose, California Link out: Click here Description: Joanna Crookston presents research conducted with Dr. Hayden focusing on teaching social skills to those challenged with brain injury. Start Date: 2012-02-23 End Date: 2012-02-25