Category Archives: Uncategorized

  • Families of Children with Autism Earn Less

    “Why Autism Moms Earn Less“. Research from the Journal Pediatrics reported in Disability Scoop finds mothers of children diagnosed with autism earn 56% less than mothers of typically developing children. Even when compared to mothers of children with other health impairments, these mothers earn 35% less. The study authors speculate the reduction in earning is Continue Reading

  • Brain Injury Conference

    Lisa and Jeff Hayden will give a talk at the Ventura County Brain Injury Center’s 3rd Annual Conference this coming Saturday. The presentation, entitled “Behavioral Motivation,” will include basic principles of behavior and how brain injury might impact how a person behaves. Dr. Hayden will talk about the technique of “Motivational Interviewing”, which is a Continue Reading


    Our own Amber Bharoocha just discovered she passed the BCBA Certification Exam, which was administered January 31!!! We are all very proud of Amber for achieving this very important milestone! HOORAY!!!

  • Autism in Emergencies: LIFE SAVING Information!!!

    From the Ventura County Autism Society. “This is a rare opportunity to hear from a very informed speaker who is a parent and a police officer about strategies to help prepare your child or loved one to interact with first responders in an emergency and it could save their life!” Please RSVP soon! To learn Continue Reading

  • NEWS FLASH!!! The newest Hayden is a Kocher!!!

    Logan Kocher was delivered this morning, 8 lbs. and 21 inches! We all wish Dena and Josh, and the entire Kocher and Kaplowitz families our heartfelt CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  • Hayden on Facebook!!!

    Hayden Consultation Services has created its Facebook page so that updates from our website can be sent out to those who want to follow our work! Please follow our link: And “Like” us!